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Solidarity actions with Oaxaca on June 7
On June 8, anti-authoritarians and human rights activists are trying to break the paramilitary blockade of the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala in Oaxaca. We need to support them to help avoid another massacre.
For this reason, we are calling for a day of solidarity actions the day before, on June 7, to create pressure and prevent another massacre. The paramilitaries work on behalf of the Mexican government and Mexican and international corporations invested in the area. They do the dirty work that provides the basis for state control and commercial investment.
Puget Sound
En Español
On April 27, 2010, paramilitaries killed two humanitarians bringing aid to San Juan Copala in Oaxaca, Mexico.The two were part of a convoy of anarchists and other humanitarians bringing aid to the village in order to break the harsh paramilitary blockade. On May 15, paramilitaries kidnapped 12 women and children of the village. Five days later they assassinated a married couple.
Another caravan with more food and supplies leaves June 8th to provide food and medical supplies to the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala. The Mexican government backs the paramilitaries, so we must take action to ensure the caravan can reach its destination.
Over the years, Boston's anarchists have expressed solidarity with the people of Oaxaca through an array of actions and tactics. They need our solidarity once more. A national day of action has been called for June 7th to support the caravan, as well as a comrade from Boston who is, at present, bringing money for food and aid for the caravan to the autonomous municipality. While taking action June 7th, don't forget to call, fax, and email Boston's Mexican consulate. Let them know that the whole world is watching this event unfold. Tell them that comrades from here and throughout the world will be there participating and observing.
Contact for Mexican Consulate.
Tel: (617) 426-4181 * Fax: (617) 695-1957
Sunday, June 6th, 6pm: banner making at Biblioteca Popular for the demonstration on Monday.
Sunday, June 6th, 8pm: film screenings and event at BibPop to commemorate the murdered and tourtured.
Monday, June 7th, 12noon: anti-authoritarian demonstration at the Mexican Consulate
Sunday, June 6th, at 8 pm at Biblioteca Popular, we will hold an event to commemorate the lives of Beatriz Carinyo and Jyri Jaakola, two women who were murdered on April 27 in Oaxaca, and for the women and children who were kidnapped and beaten there throughout May. We will screen a few short films, one of which follows the women antagonizers who took over a television station in Oaxaca in 2006, leading the rebellion against the state and capital, as well as some newer films. Come at 6:00pm to make banners and signs for the demonstration the next day. We will have speakers, more films, and refreshments.
On Monday June 7th at 12:00 we will meet at the Mexican Consulate to demonstrate against state terror and in support of the caravan. We must create pressure to prevent another massacre and to let the government and the bosses know there will be consequenses for their brutality!
Against Capitalism and its Death Squads! For Indigenous Self-Determination!
Decentralized Solidarity Actions on June 7!
Mexican Councilate
204 S. Ashland Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60607
(312) 738-2383
(312) 491-9072
Puget Sound
Seattle, Tacoma, & Olympia anarchists & antiauthoritarians will be at the Mexican Consulate in Seattle at 1 PM on Monday June 7th for a demonstration in front of the consulate.
Colonization continues this day in Oaxaca and the Northwest, through the destruction of resources, the marginalization of peoples, and the crushing of struggles of resistance.The state sponsored violence in Oaxaca is a clear incident of repression that is deeply connected to the state's monopoly on violence everywhere;from the NW Detention Center in the Tacoma tideflats, to the April 17th police beating (wherein the cop said explicitly "I'm going to beat the fucking Mexican piss out of you homey.") of a Latino man in Seattle, and the 2008 police killing of José Ramírez-Jiménez in Olympia, as well as the ongoing raids and kidnapping of all migrant peoples in the Northwest. For comrades in Oaxaca, for comrades everywhere we stand in solidarity with all those that dare to take their lives into their own hands. For the destruction of all borders and those that uphold them. For the freedom of movement! Solidarity means attack.
Mexican Consulate (Seattle):2132 3rd Ave. 98121
Number:(206) 448-3526 Ext 117 and 118
FAX:(206) 448-4771
As the G20 come to Toronto, anarchists, anti-authoritarians, and others are preparing to meet them. The world's economic and military planners want us all to sit back and accept their authority, as they propose solutions to the problems they have created. Any attempt to organize our own communities or take direct action to solve these problems ourselves is severely repressed. This repression is evident in the $1 billion security budget for the G20 summit, in the ongoing history of colonization and genocide by the Canadian state against First Nations in resistance, and in G20 member state Mexico, where paramilitary forces carry out assassinations against indigenous communities reclaiming their autonomy in Oaxaca, on behalf of the same state and financial interests that are coming to Toronto.
We are joining the call-out for solidarity actions across North America on June 7, with a call-in to the Toronto Mexican consulate, letting them know that violence against the humanitarian convoy trying to break the blockade of the autonomous municipality of San Juan Copala on June 8 will not be tolerated.
Consulate General of Mexico in Toronto, Commerce Court West, 199 Bay St. Suite 4440, Toronto, Ontario, M5L 1E9
Tel. 416 368 2875, Fax: (416) 368-8342
Spanish language call-out
7 de Junio - Día de Acciones en Solidaridad con Oaxaca
El 8 de Junio, antiautoritarios y activistas humanitarios intentarán romper el bloqueo paramilitar montado al rededor del municipio autónomo de San Juan Copala en Oaxaca. Hay que apoyarles para evitar otra masacre.
En 2006 en Oaxaca hubo una de las rebeliones mas importante y valiosas de la década. Entre la represión brutal del Estado mexicano y la violencia constante de los paramilitares, docenas de personas fueron asesinadas y la rebelión se aplastó, pero todavía hay sitios en Oaxaca donde se autogestiona la vida de manera autonoma.
Durante cinco meses, el municipio Triqui de San Juan Copala se ha enfrentado con una represión paramilitar extrema por declararse autónomo del Estado mexicano y la política neocolonista y capitalista que impone.
El día 27 de Abril los paramilitares dispararon a una caravana en la cual participaban activistas, anarquistas y voluntarios humanitarios que intentaban llegar al municipio para romper el bloqueo. Asesinaron a dos personas, Beatriz Alberto Cariño y Jyri Jaakkola e hirieron a una docena más. Beatriz era una Mixtec que había participado en numerosas luchas para la autogestión comunitaria de la comida y el agua, la conservación de la tierra y la autonomía indígena. Dirigía la organización CACTUS (Centro de Apoyo Comunitario Trabajando Unidos). Jyri, de 33 años de edad, era un activista humanitario de Finlandia que había participado en el movimiento de Comercio Justo y en la entrega de ayuda humanitaria en Africa.
El 15 de Mayo los paramilitares agredieron y tomaron de rehen a 12 mujeres y niños del municipio, quienes luego fueron soltados. El 20 de Mayo los paramilitares asesinaron Cleriberta Castro y su marido, Timoteo Alejandro Ramirez, líder de la comunidad Yosoyuxi dentro del municipio autónomo.
Varios grupos de derechos humanos, antiautoritarios y Zapatistas llaman a una segunda caravana para romper el bloqueo del municipio autónomo de San Juan Copala. Llegarán el 8 de Junio.
Por eso convocamos un día de acciones solidarias el día anterior, el 7 de Junio, para presionar a las autoridades y prevenir otro masacre. Los paramilitares trabajan a favor del estado Mexicano y las empresas mexicanas e internacionales que tienen inversiones en la zona. Hacen las tareas sucias que crean la base del control estatal y inversión comercial.
Mientras lxs compañerxs en Oaxaca se enfrentan con los matones paramilitares, todxs nosotrxs tenemos que dejar claro a sus jefes que habrá consecuencias si hay más represión.
Llamadas o manifestaciones a los consulados mexicanos, visitas a las empresas que invierten en México, contrainformación y acción directa son igual de necesearios. Porque la solidaridad se extiende o se muere.
Acciones Solidarias Descentralizadas el 7 de Junio: ¡Contra el Capitalismo y sus Asesinos a Sueldo! ¡Por la Autodeterminación Indigena!
--anarquistas y antiautoritarios de Boston, Chicago, Phoenix, Portland, Seattle, Olympia, Tacoma y más allá.
Para más información en español:
for more information in English see:
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